Mersai Health Clinic
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a comprehensive range of complementary and alternative medicine inspired treatments, with focus on musculoskeletal disorders. We have brought together a group of highly qualified experts who are leaders in their chosen fields, to ensure that we can offer all MHC clients the very best of tailor-made treatments available in the field today.
Holistic approach to life lies at the heart of our mission and this enables us to seek and treat the cause of each ailment as oppose to simply masking symptoms. The unique delivery of each treatment is made possible by our top of the range equipment at the MHC including luxury handmade, custom designed treatment couches that beautifully combine ancient wisdom with modern technology.
It is paramount to note that all our experts spend a substantial amount of time keeping up-to-date with the latest relevant guidelines, thus ensuring that all treatments offered are in accordance with UK health regulations and do not prohibit or interfere with any ongoing medical care that our clients may be receiving.
O u r T r e a t m e n t s
We have a wide and comprehensive range of Complementary Medicine and Alternative Therapies on offer, with musculoskeletal ailments as our main focus. These include but are not limited to the following:
- Osteopathy
- Osteopathic Physical Rehabilitation
- Cranial Osteopathy
- Traditional Chinese Medicine ( Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture and Tuina)
- Naturopathy
- Diet and Nutrition
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage
- Healing
- Meditation
- Deep Tissue & Sport Massage